Peer Review Journal Publications
1.Z. Tang, J. Winnik, and B. M. Hennelly, “Optical diffraction tomography using a self-reference module,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 57 (2025).
2. M. Rogalski, P. Arcab, E. Wdowiak, J. Á. Picazo-Bueno, V. Micó, M. Józwik, M. Trusiak, “Hybrid Iterating-Averaging Low Photon Budget Gabor Holographic Microscopy,” ACS Photonics (2025).
1.M. Rogalski, P. Arcab, L. Stanaszek, V. Micó, C. Zuo, and M. Trusiak, “Physics-driven universal twin-image removal network for digital in-line holographic microscopy,” Opt. Express, vol. 32, no. 1, p. 742, (2024).
2. P. Arcab, M. Rogalski, and M. Trusiak, "Single-shot experimental-numerical twin-image removal in lensless digital holographic microscopy," Opt. Lasers Eng. 172, 107878 (2024).
3. L. Lu, S. Zhou, Y. Shu, Y. Jin, J. Sun, R. Ye, M. Trusiak, P. Gao, and C. Zuo, “High-throughput transport-of-intensity quantitative phase imaging with aberration correction,” Light: Advanced Manufacturing, 5(45), (2024).
4. M. J. Lopera, M. Rogalski, P. Arcab, M. Stefaniuk, Y. Nie, H. Ottevaere, C. Trujillo, M. Trusiak, Lensless Mueller holographic microscopy with robust noise reduction for multiplane polarization imaging, Optics & Laser Technology 181, 111936 (2025).
5. E. Wdowiak, M. Rogalski, P. Arcab, P. Zdańkowski, M. Józwik, M. Trusiak, “Quantitative phase imaging verification in large field-of-view lensless holographic microscopy via two-photon 3D printing,” Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 23611 (2024).
6. J. Rosen, M. Trusiak, et al. Roadmap on computational methods in optical imaging and holography [invited]. Appl. Phys. B 130, 166 (2024).
7. J. Winnik, D. Suski, P. Arcab, M. Rogalski, M. Trusiak, "Phase retrieval via conjugate gradient minimization in double-plane lensless holographic microscopy," Opt. Express 32, 28666-28680 (2024).
8. Y. Chen, X., Wu, L., Lu, M. Trusiak et al., “Pixel-super-resolved lens-free quantitative phase microscopy with partially coherent illumination,” npj Nanophoton. 1, 15 (2024).
9. M. J. Lopera, M. Trusiak, A. Doblas, H. Ottevaere, and C. Trujillo, “Mueller-Gabor holographic microscopy,” Opt. Lasers Eng. 178, 108191 (2024).
10. A. Ahmad, P. Gocłowski, V. Dubey, M. Trusiak, and B. S. Ahluwalia, “High space–time bandwidth product imaging in low coherence quantitative phase microscopy,” Sci. Rep. 14, 9191 (2024).
11. A. Espinosa-Momox, B. Norton, M. Cywinska, B. Evans, J. Vivero-Escoto, and R. Porras-Aguilar, "Single-shot quantitative phase microscopy: a multi-functional tool for cell analysis," Biomed. Opt. Express 15, 5999-6009 (2024).
1. M. Cywińska, K. Szumigaj, M. Kołodziej, K. Patorski, V. Micó, S. Feng, C. Zuo, M. Trusiak, "DeepVID: deep-learning accelerated variational image decomposition model tailored to fringe pattern filtration," J. Opt. 25 045702 (2023).
2. V. Micó, M. Rogalski, J. Á. Picazo-Bueno, and M. Trusiak, "Single-shot wavelength-multiplexed phase microscopy under Gabor regime in a regular microscope embodiment," Sci. Rep. 13, 4257 (2023).
3. Z. Li, J. Sun, Y. Fan, Y. Jin, Q. Shen, M. Trusiak, M. Cywińska, P. Gao, Q. Chen, C. Zuo, "Deep learning assisted variational Hilbert quantitative phase imaging" Opto-Electron Sci 2, 220023 (2023).
4. M. Trusiak, M. Kujawińska, "Deep learning enabled single-shot absolute phase recovery in high-speed composite fringe pattern profilometry of separated objects," Opto-Electron Adv 6, 230172 (2023).
1. M. Rogalski, M. Cywińska, A. Ahmad, K. Patorski, V. Micó, B. S. Ahluwalia and M. Trusiak, "Hilbert phase microscopy based on pseudo thermal illumination in Linnik configuration," Opt. Lett. 47(22), 5793-5796 (2022).
2. M. Cywińska, M. Rogalski, F. Brzeski, K. Patorski, and M. Trusiak, "DeepOrientation: convolutional neural network for fringe pattern orientation map estimation," Opt. Express 30(23), 42283-42299 (2022).
3. P. Arcab, B. Mirecki, M. Stefaniuk, M. Pawłowska, and M. Trusiak, "Experimental optimization of lensless digital holographic microscopy with rotating-diffuser-based coherent noise reduction," Opt. Express 30(24), 42810-42828 (2022).
4. B. Mirecki, M. Rogalski, P. Arcab, P. Rogujski, L. Stanaszek, M. Józwik, and M. Trusiak, "Low-intensity illumination for lensless digital holographic microscopy with minimized sample interaction," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 5667-5682 (2022).
5. M. Rogalski, J. A. Picazo-Bueno, J. Winnik, P. Zdańkowski, V. Micó, and M. Trusiak, "Accurate automatic object 4D tracking in digital in-line holographic microscopy based on computationally rendered dark fields," Scientific Reports 12, 12909 (2022).
6. W. Lipke, J. Winnik, and M. Trusiak, "Numerical analysis of the effect of reduced temporal coherence in quantitative phase microscopy and tomography," Opt. Express 30(12) 21241-21257 (2022).
7. M. Rogalski, M. Pielach, A. Cicone, P. Zdankowski, L. Stanaszek, K. Drela, K. Patorski, B. Łukomska, and M. Trusiak, "Tailoring 2D fast iterative filtering algorithm for low-contrast optical fringe pattern preprocessing," Opt. Lasers Eng. 155, 107069 (2022).
8. P. Zdańkowski, L. F. Lopez, G. P. Acuna, and F. D. Stefani, "Nanometer Resolution Imaging and Tracking of Single Fluorophores by Sequential Structured Illumination”, ACS Photonics Article ASAP, 2330-4022 (2022).
- 1. M. Rogalski, P. Zdankowski, M. Trusiak, "FPM app: an open-source MATLAB application for simple and intuitive Fourier ptychographic reconstruction," Bioinformatics 37(20), 3695–3696 (2021)
- 2. J. Á. Picazo-Bueno, M. Trusiak, J. García, and V. Micó, "Spatially multiplexed interferometric microscopy: principles and applications to biomedical imaging," Journal of Physics: Photonics 3(3), 034005 (2021).
- 3. P. Zdańkowski, J. Winnik, K. Patorski, P. Gocłowski, M. Ziemczonok, M. Józwik, M. Kujawińska, and M. Trusiak, "Common-path intrinsically achromatic optical diffraction tomography," Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 4219-4234 (2021).
- 4. J. Winnik, D. Suski, P. Zdańkowski, L. Stanaszek, V. Micó, and M. Trusiak, "Versatile optimization-based speed-up method for autofocusing in digital holographic microscopy," Opt. Express 29, 33297-33311 (2021).
- 5. P. Gocłowski, M. Cywińska, A. Ahmad, B. Ahluwalia, and M. Trusiak, "Single-shot fringe pattern phase retrieval using improved period-guided bidimensional empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform," Opt. Express 29, 31632-31649 (2021).
- 6. K. Patorski, M. Cywińska, P. Zdańkowski, and M. Trusiak, "Moiré microstructure generated binary amplitude gratings for suppression of high diffraction orders", Optics and Lasers in Engineering 147, 106731 (2021)
- 7. M. Cywińska, F. Brzeski, W. Krajnik, K. Patorski, C. Zuo, M. Trusiak, “DeepDensity: Convolutional neural network based estimation of local fringe pattern density,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 145, 106675 (2021).
- 8. M. Trusiak, "Fringe analysis: single-shot or two-frames? Quantitative phase imaging answers," Optics Express 29(12), 18192-18211 (2021).
- 1. N. T. Shaked, V. Mico, M. Trusiak, A. Kus, and S. K. Mirsky, “Off-axis digital holographic multiplexing for rapid wave front acquisition and processing,” Advances in Optics and Photonics, 12 (3), 556-611 (2020).
- 2. M. Trusiak, J.A. Pizaco-Bueno, P. Zdańkowski, V. Mico, „DarkFocus: numerical autofocusing in digital in-line holographic microscopy using variance of computational dark-field gradient,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering Volume 134, 106195 (2020).
- 3. L. Saunoriene, P. Palevicius, G. Laukaitis, M. Trusiak, K. Patorski, M. Ragulskis, “Diagnostics measure for roller bearings based on variable moiré gratings,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering Volume 133, 106137 (2020).
- 4. P. Gocłowski, M. Trusiak, A. Ahmad, A. Styk, V. Mico, B. S. Ahluwalia, and K. Patorski, "Automatic fringe pattern enhancement using truly adaptive period-guided bidimensional empirical mode decomposition," Opt. Express 28, 6277-6293 (2020).
- 5. K. Patorski, P. Zdankowski, M. Trusiak, “Grating deployed total-shear 3-beam interference microscopy with reduced temporal coherence” Opt. Express 28, 6893-6908 (2020).
- 6. M. Cywińska, M. Trusiak, A. Styk, and K. Patorski, "Full-field vibration profilometry using time-averaged interference microscopy aided by variational analysis," Opt. Express 28(1), 435-450 (2020)
- 7. P. Zdankowski, M. Trusiak, D. McGloin, J. R. Swedlow, “Numerically enhanced adaptive optics-based 3D STED microscopy for deep-tissue super-resolved imaging,” ACS Nano 14(1), 394-405 (2020).
- 8. M. Sanz, M. Trusiak, J. Garcia, V. Mico, “Variable zoom digital in-line holographic microscopy,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 127, 105939 (2020).
- 1. Y. Fan, J. Sun, Q. Chen, X. Pan, M. Trusiak, C. Zuo, “Single-shot isotropic quantitative phase microscopy based on color-multiplexed differential phase contrast,” APL Photonics 4 (12), 121301 2019
- 2. W. Yin, Q. Chen, S. Feng, T. Tao, L. Huang, M. Trusiak, A. Asundi, C. Zuo, “Temporal phase unwrapping using deep learning,” Scientific Reports vol. 9, 20175 (2019)
- 3. M. Trusiak, J. Á. Picazo-Bueno, K. Patorski, P. Zdankowski, V. Micó, "Single-shot two-frame π-shifted spatially multiplexed interference phase microscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics 24 (9), 096004 (2019).
- 4. M. Cywińska, M. Trusiak, K. Patorski, "Automatized fringe pattern preprocessing using unsupervised variational image decomposition," Optics Express 27 (16), 22542-22562 (2019).
- 5. M. Cywińska, M. Trusiak, C. Zuo, K. Patorski, „Enhancing single-shot fringe pattern phase demodulation using advanced variational image decomposition,” Journal of Optics (2019).
- 6. J. Á. Picazo-Bueno, M. Trusiak, V. Micó, "Single-shot slightly off-axis digital holographic microscopy with add-on module based on beamsplitter cube," Optics Express 27 (4), 5655-5669 (2019).
- 7. W. Yin, S. Feng, T. Tao, L. Huang, M. Trusiak, Q. Chen, C. Zuo, “High-speed 3D shape measurement using the optimized composite fringe patterns and stereo-assisted structured light system,” Optics Express 27 (3), 2411-2431 (2019).
- 8. K. Patorski, Ł. Służewski, P. Zdańkowski, M. Cywińska, M. Trusiak, “Three-level transmittance 2D grating with reduced spectrum and its self-imaging,” Optics Express 27 (3), 1854-1868 (2019).
- 1. M. Trusiak, A. Styk, K. Patorski, “Hilbert–Huang transform based advanced Bessel fringe generation and demodulation for full-field vibration studies of specular reflection micro-objects,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 110, 100-112 (2018) [Special Issue “Progress in Photomechanics”]
- 2. K. Patorski, Ł. Służewski, M. Trusiak, “5-beam grating interferometry for extended phase gradient sensing,” Optics Express 26 (21), 26872-26887 (2018)
- 3. J. Á. Picazo-Bueno, M. Trusiak, J. García, K. Patorski, V. Micó, "Hilbert–Huang single-shot spatially multiplexed interferometric microscopy," Optics Letters 43 (5), 1007-1010 (2018).
- 1. D. Saide, M. Trusiak, K. Patorski, "Evaluation of adaptively enhanced two-shot fringe pattern phase and amplitude demodulation methods," Appl. Opt. 56 (19), 5489-5500 (2017).
- 2. K. Patorski, Ł. Służewski, M. Trusiak, K. Pokorski, "Generation of phase edge singularities by coplanar three-beam interference and their detection," Optics Express 25 (3), 2432-2445 (2017).
- 1. M. Trusiak, V. Mico, J. Garcia, and K. Patorski, "Quantitative phase imaging by single-shot Hilbert–Huang phase microscopy," Optics Letters 41 (18), 4344-4347 (2016).
- 2. F. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Wu, F. Wu, M. Trusiak, K. Patorski, Y. Wan, Q. Chen, and X. Hou, "Simultaneous extraction of phase and phase shift from two interferograms using Lissajous figure and ellipse fitting technology with Hilbert–Huang prefiltering," Journal of Optics 18 (10), 105604 (2016).
- 3. M. Trusiak, L. Sluzewski, and K. Patorski, "Single shot fringe pattern phase demodulation using Hilbert-Huang transform aided by the principal component analysis," Optics Express 24 (4), 4221-4238 (2016).
- 1. K. Patorski, M. Trusiak, K. Pokorski, “Diffraction grating three-beam interferometry without self-imaging regime contrast modulations,” Optics Letters 40 (6), 1089-1092 (2015).
- 2. M. Trusiak and K. Patorski, “Two-shot fringe pattern phase-amplitude demodulation using Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization with Hilbert-Huang pre-filtering,” Optics Express 23 (4), 4672-4690 (2015).
- 1. K. Patorski, M. Trusiak, and T. Tkaczyk, “Optically-sectioned two-shot structured illumination microscopy with Hilbert-Huang processing,” Optics Express 22 (28), 9517-9527 (2014). It was also published in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics Vol. 9, Iss. 6, June 2014.
- 2. K. Patorski, K. Pokorski, and M. Trusiak, “Circular–linear grating Talbot interferometry with moiré Fresnel imaging for beam collimation,” Optics Letters 39 (2), 291-294 (2014).
- 3. M. Trusiak, M. Wielgus, and K. Patorski, “Advanced processing of optical fringe patterns by automated selective reconstruction and enhanced fast empirical mode decomposition,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 52 (1), 230-240 (2014).
- 1. M. Trusiak, K. Patorski, and K. Pokorski, “Hilbert-Huang processing for single-exposure two-dimensional grating interferometry,” Optics Express 21 (23), 28359-28379 (2013).
- 2. K. Patorski, M. Trusiak, “Highly contrasted Bessel fringe minima visualization for time-averaged vibration profilometry using Hilbert transform two-frame processing,” Optics Express 21 (14), 16863-16881 (2013).