[25 – 30 January 2025] Maciej Trusiak represented QCI lab at Photonics West 2025 in San Francisco, CA USA.
He contributed to the Quantitative Phase Imaging XI conference and had a pleasure to give an invited talk about “Large field-of-view lensless digital holographic microscopy for cell and tissue imaging”. He presented some of the latest works that our group is working on.
Photonics West is always a great place to meet world-class scientists and learn about the novelties in the field.

[January 2025] Julianna Winnik was nominated as a Rising Star in Optics 2024 – a programme designed to honour outstanding early-career researchers who are making significant contributions in optics.
CONGRATULATIONS! Very well-deserved 🥳

[3 January 2025] Prof. Maciej Trusiak took a part in the 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Optical Technologies ETOT 2025.
He had a chance to give a keynote speech concerning the advancements in holographic imaging methods.
[September – December 2024] We are thrilled to share that our PhD student, Emilia Wdowiak, spent three months collaborating with Professor Martin Booth‘s group at the University of Oxford, Department of Engineering Science.
During her stay, Emilia developed a cutting-edge quantitative phase imaging method for laser-written liquid crystal cells. Advantaging the exceptional resources of the University of Oxford, she deepened her knowledge of innovative liquid crystal technologies and their groundbreaking applications. She also had the opportunity to contribute to ongoing research projects, including liquid crystal two-photon polymerization and the group’s unique speckle reduction techniques.
Her visit was supported by the Mobility PW travel grant, which she earned as part of the XIII edition of the programme. This initiative is part of the “Research Initiative – Research University” SEED and PROM PW 2 projects.
Emilia’s time in Oxford provided invaluable insights for her PhD research and greatly contributed to her scientific growth. We are thankful to the University of Oxford and Professor Booth’s group for their collaboration, and we look forward to the future cooperation between Oxford and Warsaw!

[November 2024] We are honored to announce that our PI – Prof. Maciej Trusiak is selected as an Optica Senior Member!
Full list of 95 new Optica Senior Members elected in 2024 can be found here. Congratulations to everyone!

[October 2024] We are recruiting! Total of FIVE new positions for the PhD Students and Master Students in NCN SHENG project “[TRUE_QPI] High spatio-temporal throughput 2D/3D quantitative phase imaging at the single-cell level” and NCN INTENCITY project “[INTENCITY] High-throughput, high-resolution quantitative phase microscopy and tomography with spatiotemporal coherence engineering for non-invasive single-cell analysis” is now open. For more information visit OPEN POSITIONS tab.
Application deadlines – 2024-11-06 and 2024-11-05!
[16 October 2024] Today we are celebrating a successful defense of Mikołaj Rogalski’s PhD thesis! Mikołaj did a great job working on “Opto-numerical development of quantitative phase microscopy techniques” through the 4 years of his research. His outstanding skills and achievements led him to an excellent scientific results and intriguing future possibilities.
Congratulations Mikołaj!!!
[9 October 2024] Maciej Trusiak attended 2024 NCN (Narodowe Centrum Nauki – polish National Science Centre) awards event rewarding outstanding achievements of young polish scientists. Congratulations for all winners, you really deserve it!
[23 September 2024] Maciej Trusiak attended the ERC event organized by The Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the European Research Council (ERC), where he had a chance to meet and listen to the lecture of President of the European Research Council, Professor Maria Leptin.
[9 – 13 September 2024] Michał Józwik attended XIV Laser Technology Symposium which took place in stunning Castle of Ryn, Poland. He represented QCI lab with a poster presentation on “Mikroskopia fazowa w oparciu o interferometr Linnika”.
[July – August 2024] Master student Wiktoria Szymska from Silesian University of Technology joined QCI lab for two-months of internship thanks to Student Internship Program Resonators by Candela Foundation.
During this period she was contributed to ongoing research concerning lensless digital holographic microscopy (LDHM) in QCI lab. She focused on quantitative evaluation of biological processes of tissue clearing and expansion as well as worked on scattering constrains in LDHM.
It was a very productive time for both Wiktoria and QCI lab. Thank you Wiktoria for being a part of our group and thanks to Candela Foundation for making such great opportunities for young researchers.
Good luck Wiktoria with your future scientific development!
[2 – 6 September 2024] Julianna Winnik, Maria Cywińska and Marcin Marzejon represented QCI lab during the 23rd Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on wave and quantum aspects of contemporary optics, that took place in beautiful Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia. During the conference they were able to present some of their recent research achievements.
Julianna Winnik gave a talk on “Phase retrieval methods for lensless digital holographic microscopy and their
robustness to data errors”.
Maria Cywińska delivered an invited (congratulations Maria!) talk concerning “How deep learning can improve digital interferometry?”.
Marcin Marzejon gave a talk on “Nanoscale object tracking with holographic in-line microscopy”.
[3 – 5 September 2024] Half of QCI lab attended Warsaw Summer School on Advanced Optical Imaging organized by Candela Foundation in University of Warsaw Library (Warsaw, Poland). We had a great time listening to the amazing invited speakers and networking with school’s participants during the caffe breaks and various scientific activities included in the program. QCI lab members contributed to the event with:
- invited lecture given by Maciej Trusiak on “Lensless Digital Holographic Microscopy: Fundamental Principles & Applications”
- oral presentation of Piotr Zdańkowski on “Common path optical diffraction tomography for refractive index analysis of lipid droplets”
- poster presentation given by Mikołaj Rogalski concerning “Digital in-line holographic microscopy in low photon budget conditions”
- poster presentation given by Piotr Arcab on “Lensless polarizing holographic microscopy”
- poster presentation given by Emilia Wdowiak on “Analysis and optimization of large area two-photon polymerization phase fabrication” for which she received the award for the best poster (congrats nEmi!)
- poster presentation given by Karolina Niedziela concerning “Pixel Super Resolution in Lensless Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy”
- poster presentation given by Wiktoria Szymska on “Quantitative evaluation of tissue clearing and expansion using brightfield microscopy”
- last but definitely not least poster presentation of Julia Dudek on “Autofocusing for numerical reconstruction in off-axis lensless digital holographic microscopy”.
What a week! Thank you for having us and enabling all our contributions.
[July – August 2024] Maria Cywińska visited Active and Reconfigurable Optics Lab, led by Prof. Rosario Porras-Aguilar at University of North Carolina in Charlotte, NC, United States.
Active and Reconfigurable Optics Lab group develops common-path diffraction interferometry, specializing in experimental development of the methods. During Maria’s stay she shared some of her great expertise on quantitative phase imaging algorithms while developing customized numerical solutions.
Maria spent two months in Prof. Porras-Aguilar’s group thanks to Mobility WUT grant, implemented under the project “Research Initiative – Research University”, SEED, and PROM PW 2 projects. Congratulations Maria on getting the grant and pursuing this fascinating research path!
[21-23 August 2024] We were honored to welcome Prof. Martin Booth from Oxford University to our institute these past few days. Prof. Booth is a distinguished figure in the field of optical engineering and microscopy, renowned for his pioneering work in adaptive optics and wavefront sensing.
During his visit, Prof. Booth delivered an engaging lecture about advancements in adaptive optics for microscopic imaging, sharing the latest developments in his research. The lecture was well-attended by faculty members and researchers a sparking vibrant discussions on the future of optical technologies and their applications in various scientific fields. Prof. Booth also toured our laboratories, interacting with our research team’s members, offering valuable feedback on our ongoing projects. His visit was a significant highlight for our community, and we look forward to future collaborations!
[19 August 2024] We are honored to announce that our PI – Prof. Maciej Trusiak is selected as an SPIE Senior Member!
Full list of 107 new SPIE Senior Members elected in 2024 can be found here. Congratulations to everyone!
[15-19 July 2024] Maciej Trusiak, Piotr Zdańkowski and Mikołaj Rogalski represented QCI lab on Optica Imaging Congress – Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI) taking place Toulouse, France.
During the conference they had a chance to deliver talks about:
“Multiplexed Label-Free High-Throughput Holographic Lensless Method for Live Cell Migration Sensing” (Maciej Trusiak)
“Gradient Based Common-Path Optical Diffraction Tomography” (Piotr Zdańkowski)
“Method for in-Line Holographic Microscopy Reconstruction of Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Holograms” (Mikołaj Rogalski)
[11-13 July 2024] Recently we had a great pleasure to welcome esteemed members of prof. Chao Zuo’s Smart Computational Imaging (SCI) Laboratory at the Nanjing University of Science and Technology – prof. Chao Zuo, prof. Shijie Feng, prof. Jiasong Sun, PhD Yao Fan and PhD Student Zhuoshi Li. This visit facilitated a valuable exchange of ideas and collaborative discussions on cutting-edge advancements in computational imaging. We are thrilled about the joint research opportunities and the strengthening of our academic ties. Thank you for visiting us!
[3-6 June 2024] Maciej Trusiak, Piotr Zdańkowski and Emilia Wdowiak attended Optica Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging Topical Meeting in beautiful Paestum, Italy. Members of QCI lab had a chance to present some of their recent research.
Maciej Trusiak gave an invited talk concerning “Lensless Digital Holographic Microscopy for Label-Free Multi-Contrast High-Throughput Coherent bio-Imaging”.
Piotr Zdańkowski gave a talk on “Bedrosian Theorem Problem in Quantitative Phase Imaging”.
Emilia Wdowiak gave a talk on “Enhancement of Large Area Micro-Printing Phase Quality via Error Analysis and Correction”.
Thank you for having us and organizing this amazing event!
[21 May 2024] Piotr Zdańkowski had a pleasure to present to His Magnificence Rector of Warsaw University of Technology prof. Krzysztof Zaremba our Quantitative Computational Imaging LAB group, while His Magnificence visited Faculty of Mechatronics. Piotr presented our recent research work, future prospects and scientific achievements of the members of QCI lab. Then we were able to introduce His Magnificence to our laboratories and experimental side of our work.
[21 May 2024] We attended an open lecture followed by questions and answers session given by Dr Manel Mondelo-Martell – Associate Editor at Nature Communications. Dr Mondelo-Martell shared an intriguing “Insights into scientific publishing and the Nature portfolio” and answered inquisitive questions from the audience.
Thank you for visiting Warsaw University of Technology and sharing your expertise!
[16 May 2024] Maciej Trusiak had a pleasure to participate in Nencki Institute Seminar in Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, giving a lecture entitled “Lensless digital holographic microscopy for label-free coherent bio-imaging”.
Special thanks to PhD Marzena Stefaniuk for invitation and hospitality!
[16 – 17 April 2024] QCI lab had a pleasure to host Ph.D. Mateusz Szatkowski, Optica ambassador, and hear his inspiring talks about his research and scientific carrier experience. Than you for visiting us!
[7 – 11 April 2024] Maciej Trusiak, Piotr Zdańkowski and Michał Józwik took part in SPIE Photonics Europe 2024 that took place in Strasbourg, France. Maciej gave an invited talk about:
“Enhancement and evaluation of phase imaging capabilities in lensless digital holographic microscopy”
Piotr contributed to the conference giving talk about:
“Phase shifting common path polarization grating based diffraction tomography”
Michał had a chance to present his research in the poster session about:
“Phase measurements in Linnik interferometer with physically and numerically minimized errors”
Attending the conference they had a chance to listen to world’s greatest scientific minds and learn about exciting novelties in the field. The event gave an outstanding networking opportunities to connect with Europe’s greatest research groups.
[24 – 27 March 2024] Maciej Trusiak and Piotr Zdańkowski took part in Focus on Microscopy FOM2024 conference in Genoa, Italy. They contributed to the conference giving talks about:
“Correlative lensless digital holographic microscopy for high-throughput quantitative imaging of cell cultures and tissue slices” (M. Trusiak)
“Common path optical diffraction tomography for refractive index analysis of lipid droplets” (P. Zdańkowski)
[21 March 2024] Maciej Trusiak and Piotr Zdańkowski attended LIDER gala organized by National Centre for Research and Development NCBR, as they recently received two grants for their research, concerning:
“Lensless holographic microscope enabling high-throughput label-free biomedical samples testing” (M. Trusiak)
“Fourier ptychographic microscope for biomedical imaging applications with numerically increased resolution and contrast” (P. Zdańkowski)
In total both grants cover over 3.5 mln zł for research and development of newly emerging technologies.
[27 January – 1 February 2024] Our freshly-defended PhD Maria Cywińska and QCI lab’s PhDreamTeam – Mikołaj Rogalski, Piotr Arcab and Emilia Wdowiak took part in SPIE #PhotonicsWest 2024 in San Francisco, CA, United States. During the conference they contributed to Quantitative Phase Imaging X poster session on Monday Jan 29. Their posters covered the topics:
“inPHASENet: convolutional neural network for high space-bandwidth product single-fringe-pattern phase imaging” by Maria Cywińska
“Phase from defocus: transport of intensity or in-line holography?” by Mikołaj Rogalski
“3-channel multiplexed lensless holographic microscope for comparative examination of live cell cultures” by Piotr Arcab
“Quantitative study of phase sensitivity in immersion-based lensless digital holographic microscopy” by Emilia Wdowiak
What’s more Mikołaj Rogalski gave a talk on behalf of Piotr Zdańkowski on “Common path single-shot Hilbert optical diffraction tomography”, which included the latest of his works.
QCI lab members had also a chance to visit Radosław Chrapkiewicz (Director of Engineering, Biology Stanford University School of Medicine) and learn about his study on in vivo imaging of mouse brain’s activity in large field of view. Thank you for having us!
[20-21 November 2023] Prof. Tomáš Čižmár visited QCI lab delivering interesting lecture about “How to image anywhere in the brain through 100 µm thin fibre?”. Then we had a chance to show him our current work in the laboratories. We are grateful for this very inspiring visit.
[14 November 2023] Our PI Maciej Trusiak took part in Youth Talks Vol.40 – Young Scientists Shaping the Future – Computational Optical Imaging and Metrology. Along with prof. Hee Kyung Ahn and prof. Chao Zuo he had an opportunity to give an invited speech about “Lensless digital holographic microscopy for high-throughput computational bioimaging”.
The recording of the event is available online.
[13 November 2023] Maciej Trusiak visited Photonics Department in Physics Institute of Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, where he delivered a seminar concerning “Advances in Lensless Digital Holographic Microscopy for Biomedical Applications”.
[26 October 2023] Today Maria Cywińska defended her PhD thesis with excellent results!
She worked on ”Development of data processing algorithms utilizing variational and deep learning techniques for full-field interferometric optical measuring methods” under the supervision of prof. dr hab. inż Krzysztof Patorski and prof. dr hab. inż. Maciej Trusiak.
We are very proud of Marysia, hoping the future will bering her many more successes. Congratulations!
[October 2023] Piotr Zdańkowski, representing QCIlab, had the opportunity to visit Nanjing University of Science and Technology and engage with Professor Chao Zuo’s research group. He delivered an invited talk concerning his research being a part of at two significant events – “6th Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging and Detecting Technology and Application” and “The 2nd China-CEEC Conference on Technology Cooperation and Exchange.”

[October 2023] We are recruiting! An open position for the Postdoctoral Researcher position in ERC Starting Grant Project – [NaNoLens] Lensless label-free nanoscopy is now available. For more information visit OPEN POSITIONS tab.
Application deadline – 2023-12-31!

[October 2023] We are recruiting! An open position for the PhD Student in BayesOM NCN Preludium BIS Project – Bayesian inference in optical metrology is now available. For more information visit OPEN POSITIONS tab.
Application deadline – 2023-12-31!

source: Elsevier
[23 October 2023] Maciej Trusiak, Krzysztof Patorski ranked as World’s TOP 2% Scienticts in Elsevier Ranking.
Krzysztof Patorski appears on the list TOP 2% scientists including his whole career, while both with Maciej Trusiak they appear on TOP 2% for 2022.
[4 – 7 October 2023] Maciej Trusiak, Piotr Zdańkowski and Mikołaj Rogalski attended Seeing is believing: imaging the molecular processes of life.
During the conference they had a chance to present posters about:
“Lensless digital holographic microscopy: numerical and experimental advancements” (Maciej Trusiak)
“Common path quantitative phase microscopy and tomography: new solutions and applications” (Piotr Zdańkowski)
“Quantitative analysis of mouse glial-restricted progenitors migration deploying lensless holographic microscopy” (Mikołaj Rogalski)
What is more, Maciej, Piotr and Mikołaj visited Jena, Germany, where they met Prof. Tomáš Čižmár (Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS) and Prof. Rainer Heintzmann (Physikalische Chemie, Universität Jena).
[18 – 29 September 2023] Our PhD students – Mikołaj Rogalski and Emilia Wdowiak attended the SFO Thematic School 2023 : WAVES IN COMPLEX MEDIA.
During almost two weeks period they have a chance to listen to some of the greatest lecturers from around the world at the same time experiencing the beauty of the Alpes, Les Houches and Chamonix Mont Blanc Valley. They contributed to the poster session presenting their works on:
“Single-shot twin-image digital in-line microscope in a regular microscope embodiment” (Mikołaj R.)
“Experimental examination of lensless digital holographic microscopy based on custom-designed spatial resolution” (Emilia W.)
[10 – 14 September 2023] Michał Józwik attended IX Metrological Congress (IX Kongres Metrologiczny) in Ryn, Poland.
During the conference he presented the poster concerning “Porównanie algorytmów analizy obrazów prążkowych w aspekcie ich zastosowania w pomiarach interferometrycznych w GUM“.
source: CRATER
[1 – 7 September 2023] Maciej Trusiak and Piotr Zdańkowski attended Crater Conference in Warsaw, Poland
During the conference they had a chance to present posters about:
“Lensless digital holographic microscopy: numerical and experimental advancements” (Maciej Trusiak)
“Common path quantitative phase microscopy and tomography: new solutions and applications” (Piotr Zdańkowski)
[05 September 2023] Our PI Professor Maciej Trusiak got awarded ERC Starting Grant for NaNoLens Project!
Lensless digital holographic microscopy opens up completely new possibilities for imaging live cells. The main challenge of the project is to overcome low spatial (~1 micron) and axial (~ 3 microns) resolution in lensless holographic microscopy using ultraviolet radiation. Project starts in January 2024 and we are very excited for what future brings us with ERC possibilities!
More information about the Grant available on ERC website, WUT website and on YouTube (English subtitles available).
[04 September 2023] Maciej Trusiak gave an invited talk during 48th Congress of Polish Physicists, taking place in Gdańsk, Poland
He gave an invited speech about “Obliczeniowa mikroskopia fazowa: metody i zastosowania” (Polish title) – “Methods and application of quantitative phase microscopy” (English translation).
[14-17 August 2023] Three members of QCI lab: Maria Cywińska, Mikołaj Rogalski and Piotr Arcab took part in Optica Imaging Congress in Boston, MA USA.
Maria Cywińska gave oral presentation on “Deep Learning Aided Variational Hilbert Quantitative Phase Imaging“.
Mikołaj Rogalski gave oral presentation on “Universal Neural Network for Twin Image Suppression in Lensless Holographic Microscopy“.
Piotr Arcab gave oral presentation on “Twin Image Reduction in Two-Shot Lensless Digital Holographic Microscopy via Light Source Splitting“.
source: Linkedin
[12-13 August 2023] Our Principal Investigator Maciej Trusiak is taking part in Phase for Life: Quantitative Phase Microscopy for Life Science Mini-Conference. During the conference several prominent scientist working in the field of Quantitative Phase Microscopy (QPM) will showcast latest development in QPM for Life Sciences.
Venue: Harvard University, Boston, USA
Virtual: Talks will also be streamed via Zoom
Conference Chair: Peter So Dushan Wadduwage Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
The attendance is free but registration is necessary.
Mini-conference is supported by the Norges forskningsråd /Research Council of Norway supported INTPART project, “NanoSymBioSys”; co-operation between UiT- The Arctic University of Norway Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
From left: Piotr Arcab, Emilia Wdowiak, Mikołaj Rogalski, Maciej Trusiak, Piotr Zdańkowski, Maria Cywińska
source: Fundacja Candela / Mateusz Politański
[4-7 July 2023] Our team joined Conference Polska Konferencja Optyczna 2023 in Toruń, Poland where:
Maciej Trusiak presented the poster on “Bezsoczewkowa cyfrowa mikroskopia holograficzna: rozwój algorytmów rekonstrukcji i zastosowań biomedycznych“.
Piotr Zdańkowski presented the poster on “Ilościowa mikroskopia i tomografia fazowa wspólnej drogi: nowe rozwiązania i zastosowania“.
Maria Cywińska presented the poster on “Usprawnienie algorytmu Variational Hilbert Quantitative Phase Imaging z wykorzystaniem uczenia głębokiego“.
Mikołaj Rogalski gave oral presentation on “Sieć neuronowa do usuwania efektu obrazu sprzężonego w bezsoczewkowej mikroskopii holograficznej“.
Piotr Arcab gave oral presentation on “Redukcja efektu „twin image” w bezsoczewkowej mikroskopii holograficznej ze sferyczną wiązką odniesienia“.
Emilia Wdowiak gave oral presentation on “Ilościowa analiza zdolności obrazowania w mikroskopii bezsoczewkowej z wykorzystaniem druku dwufotonowego“.
[26-29 June 2023] Maciej Trusiak and Piotr Zdańkowski attended SPIE Optical Metrology conference in Munich, Germany.
Maciej Trusiak gave oral presentation on ”Improved multiwavelength twin image and coherent noise reduction in Gabor holographic microscopy”.
Piotr Zdańkowski gave oral presentation on “Polarization grating based common path optical diffraction tomography with optimized spatio-temporal coherence and reduced speckle noise”.
[19-23 June 2023] Emilia Wdowiak took part in VI-International School on Light Sciences and Technologies ISLIST organized by Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Santander, Spain.
This year’s edition concerned “Light in Health and Medicine” and included lectures by world’s leading scientists, such as, Prof. Aydogan Ozcan, Prof. Pablo Artal and Prof. Laura Lechuga. More about the school available on the ISLiST website.
[May 2023] Mikołaj Rogalski got awarded START Scholarship by Foundation for Polish Science (Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej)!
START scholarship is intended for young scientists with outstanding scientific achievements. The aim of the scholarship is to support scientific development and encourage young scientists to develop further.
Congratulations Mikołaj!
[24-27 April 2023] Maciej Trusiak, Piotr Zdańkowski, Maria Cywińska and Emilia Wdowiak took part in SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Maciej Trusiak gave oral presentation on “Grating-based common-path quantitative phase microscopy in low photon budget regime”.
Piotr Zdańkowski gave oral presentation on “Quantitative comparison of the light sources in grating-based common-path quantitative phase microscopy”.
Maria Cywińska gave oral presentation on “Deep variational Hilbert quantitative phase imaging”.
Emilia Wdowiak gave oral presentation on “Experimental examination of lensless digital holographic microscopy imaging capabilities based on custom-designed spatial resolution targets”.
[16 January 2023] Today two of our MSc students completed their Master degrees by passing their thesis defense exams.
Jędrzej Szpygiel worked on ”Convolutional neural network for conjugated image separation in grating phase microscopy”.
Michał Kołodziej worked on ”Analysis of the impact of a limited photon budget on the efficiency of quantitative phase imaging”.

[January 2023] We are recruiting! An open position for the Postdoctoral Researcher in project [GaboScope] – Numerically enhanced lensless Gabor microscopy for high-throughput marker-free investigation of dynamic live biosamples is now available. For more information visit OPEN POSITIONS tab.

source: SEP
[December 2022] Piotr Arcab and Emilia Wdowiak were awarded in Professor Smoliński Contest for the best thesis in optoelectronics, organized by Polish Electronic Association. Congratulations!

source: icopen
[24-27 November 2022] Maciej Trusiak became scientific committee member of the Virtual, International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering icOPEN2022.
Piotr Zdańkowski gave an invited speech on ”Single-Molecule Nanoscopy through Structured Illumination”.
Mikołaj Rogalski also gave an invited talk concerning ”Improving the signal-to-noise ratio in lensless holographic microscopy”.
[September 2022] Professor Krzysztof Patroski along with Maciej Trusiak became World’s TOP 2% Scientists of 2021 based on Elsevier databases of standardized citation indicators. With the other 36 researchers they are among the best scientists in Warsaw University of Technology. Congratulations!
[5-9 September 2022] Members of our team joined 22th Polish Slovak Czech Optical Conference On Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics in Wojanów, Poland.
Maciej Trusiak gave plenary talk about ”Computational techniques in lensless holographic microscopy for biomedical imaging”.
Maria Cywińska gave oral presentation on ”DeepVID: deep-learning accelerated variational image decomposition for filtration of different types of fringe patterns”.
Mikołaj Rogalski gave oral presentation on ”Extended depth of focus lensless holographic microscopy imaging”.
Piotr Arcab gave oral presentation on ”Optimization of signal-to-noise ratio and attempt to increase resolution in lensless in-line digital holographic microscopy”.
[September 2022] Piotr Zdańkowski returned from research stay at the CIBION (Centro de Investigaciones en Bionanociencias) in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the Applied Nanophysics Group (PI: Prof. Fernando D. Stefani). Funded by the National Agency for Scientific Exchange (NAWA) Bekker Programme.
[September 2022] Maria Cywińska returned from NAWA Iwanowska scholarship in Max Plank Institute Bonn, Germany, where she visited visited PhD Maciej Wielgus and work on the project entitled „Bayesian and deep learning methods for interferometric data analysis: from nanoscale phase imaging to black hole shadow”. Project was based on the assumption that many concepts from radio interferometry easily translate to optical interferometry, as the underlying physical phenomena are essentially the same (wave interference, optical waves in phase imaging and mainly radio waves in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) astronomy). Quantitative Phase Imaging techniques (i.e., interferometry, holographic microscopy, moiré techniques and fringe projection profilometry) are one of the most accurate techniques for measuring objects at the nano-, micro- and macro-scale and have the great advantage of being precise and non-contact. Due to the fact that in quantitative phase imaging methods the measurand is encoded in the registered intensity distribution (the phase of the registered fringe pattern), they additionally require a special phase demodulation method, which accuracy directly affects the accuracy of the performed measurement. The research and improvement the fringe pattern analysis algorithms (decoding the information about measurand) is an extremely important issue which is the subject of active research work of many international scientific groups. The algorithmic developments in the project was focused on Bayesian methods (dynamic nested sampling previously used in the data analysis for the first image of the black hole applied for optical interferometry data analysis) and modern deep learning approach.
[21-26 August 2022] Maciej Trusiak gave oral presentation during SPIE Optics+Photonics, Interferometry XXI San Diego, US on ”Common-path grating-based interferometers with altered temporal and spatial coherence of illumination for quantitative phase microscopy and tomography“. Maciej was also a member of scientific committee of the Conference.
Mikołaj Rogalski gave speech about ”Fast locally adaptive method for optical fringe pattern filtering”.
[1-4 August 2022] Two members of QCI lab took part in OPTICA Digital Holography and Three-dimensional Imaging 2022 Cambridge, UK where:
Maciej Trusiak gave oral presentation on ”Lensless Digital Holographic Microscopy With Enhanced Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Live Neural Cell Imaging”,
Mikołaj Rogalski presented poster on ”Quantitative Phase Microscopy from Defocused Images with a Common Brightfield Microscope”.
Piotr Arcab presenting, source: OPTO 2022
[18-21 July 2022] Piotr Arcab gave oral presentation on ”Applying multi-wavelength iterative algorithms for twin image removal in lensless holographic microscopy” during OPTO conference 2022 Warsaw, Poland.
Maciej Trusiak took part in the conference as a scientific committee member.

source: OPTICA
[12-15 July 2022] Mikołaj Rogalski gave oral presentation on ”Open-source Algorithm for Objects 4D Tracking in Lensless Digital In-line Holographic Microscopy” during Imaging and Applied Optics Congress Vancouver, Canada.

source: Polska Konferencja Optyczna
[12-15 June 2022] Our team joined Polska Konferencja Optyczna 2022 Płock, Poland Conference where:
Maciej Trusiak gave talk on ”DarkTrack: algorytm śledzenia 4D obiektów badanych metodą cyfrowej poosiowej mikroskopii holograficznej”,
Mikołaj Rogalski gave talk on ”FPM app: Aplikacja do Wysokorozdzielczego Obrazowania w Dużym Polu Widzenia Techniką Ptychografii Fourierowskiej”,
Piotr Arcab presented poster on ”Usuwanie szumów w układzie bezsoczewkowego mikroskopu z wirującą matówką”,
Jędrzej Szpygiel presented poster on ”Analiza obrazów prążkowych metodami transformacji Fouriera i Hilberta: porównanie”.
[18-22 April 2022] Maciej Trusiak gave an invited talk during Optics and Photonics International Congress OPIC2022, Information Photonics 2022 on the subject of "Convolutional neural networks in optical fringe pattern preprocessing".

source: Optics and Lasers in Engineering
[1 January 2022] Maciej Trusiak started his term as Associated Editor in Optics and Lasers in Engineering journal.

[10 June 2021] NCN SONATA: GaboScope project kick-off
We started realization of a project “[GaboScope] Numerically enhanced lensless Gabor microscopy for high-throughput marker-free investigation of dynamic live biosamples” funded (1,5 mln PLN) for 3 years (2021-2024) by National Science Center, Poland via SONATA programme. Principal investigator Maciej Trusiak and GaboScope Team are proud to cooperate with prof. Vicente Micó group (University of Valencia, Spain), prof. Chao Zuo group (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China) and prof. Balpreet Ahluwalia group (The Arctic University of Norway, Tromso).
GaboScope Team:
PhD Julianna Winnik, PhD Piotr Zdańkowski, MSc Mikołaj Rogalski, MSc Bartosz Mirecki, BSc Piotr Arcab, and PhD Maciej Trusiak
Interested in cooperation? Please contact us at

[19 January 2021] NCN OPUS: PHAICELL project kick-off
We started realization of a project “[PHAICELL] Coherent quantitative phase microscopy: revisiting the basics and proposing novel numerical reconstruction methods with applications for advanced label-free bio-imaging” funded (2 mln PLN) for 4 years (2021-2025) by National Science Center, Poland via OPUS programme. Principal investigator Maciej Trusiak and PHAICELL Team are proud to cooperate with prof. Vicente Micó group (University of Valencia, Spain), prof. Chao Zuo group (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China) and prof. Balpreet Ahluwalia group (The Arctic University of Norway, Tromso).
Professor Michał Józwik, PhD Julianna Winnik, PhD Piotr Zdańkowski, MSc Maria Cywińska, MSc Mikołaj Rogalski, BSc Paweł Gocłowski, BSc Jędrzej Szpygiel and PhD Maciej Trusiak
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